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CPT W. Decker

Honorably Retired
Company Executive Officer
  • Enlistment Date

  • Induction Date

  • Promotion Date

  • CPT W. Decker


  • Activity

    • Reported In
  • Length Of Service

    • Time In Service
      3 years and 3 months
    • Time In Grade
      1 year and 10 months
Date Combat Record Attachments
Operation Trinitite II
Operation Trinitite I
Operation Tropic Shield IX
Operation Tropic Shield VIII
Operation Tropic Shield VII
Operation Tropic Shield VI
Operation Tropic Shield IV
Operation Tropic Shield III
Operation Tropic Shield II
Operation Tropic Shield (Combat Jump)
Operation Frostbite IV
Operation Frostbite III
Operation Frostbite I
Operation Striker V
Operation Striker IV
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